I provide Astrology consultations, Human Design and Science of Cards. Also courses and seminars.

1. relationship counseling 150euro/hour
2. business counseling 300euro/hour
3. astrology counseling 150euro/hour
4. human design counseling 300euro
1. course of transit astrology 300euro (2month)
2. course of relationship 300euro (2 month)
3. course Science of Card 350 euro (3month)
My practice:
Human design since 2013
(training course at the international school of human design IHDS)
Love cards from 2013
(Robert Camp training course https://www.7thunders.com)
Astrology since 2009
New course with Love Cards this fall
3 month, 12 lessons, every sunday at 11:00 (zoom, youtube)
We accept payments
Paypal, Webmoney.